We feel a bit like we're in New England. It was cold, then cool, now very hot. On Easter Sunday, the truck temperature hit 100! We also discovered that when the house is closed up to keep the cool air in (and the thick layer of pollen out), there is a very strong, almost eye-burning, smell of burned wood from the fireplace. I normally love the smell of burning wood, but this smell is a fireplace version of "dirty ashtray". Larry thinks this is because water may be getting inside the chimney and the wet areas are holding and marinating that awful smell.
He is outside now chipping away the mortar on the chimney that we noticed has moss and lichens growing in it and cracks everywhere. He will clean it up as best he can, then replace the mortar with new cement. Near the top there was a pine tree growing, so you know that can't be good.
what a sturdy buddah-esque chimney! We heat with wood and once a year we have out chimney sweep clean it out. He also has a video camera he runs down inside the chimney looking for fissures in the lining. If the chimney has not been internally inspected, may be worth a look before your light up that buddah!