We recently discovered a break-in when our niece, Allison, arrived to spend the weekend with her husband and girlfriend. They walked in and got physically sick at the smell of "#2" that permeated our home. Someone gained access to the house through a window left unlocked. They, interestingly enough, did not have the where with all to figure out how to turn on our well for water, so they filled our master toilet and left a crappy diaper in the waste can; dirty dishes in the sink, and cleaned out our fridge. I like to think out of respect they got a blanket and slept on top of our made bed instead of in it. We are grateful nothing was stolen or destroyed, except the ambiance and sense of smell of our family and friends.
I posted a notice on Craig's List, and if you see this posting, please consider buying this lovely haven. You won't regret a minute of the decision. It saddens our hearts to leave, but leave we must. Hopefully, one of you reading this blog will have the resources to buy it. By the way, the property next door is also for sale. If one were to buy both, you'd have ten and a half acres to build a very private dream home! Think about it and dream big!!!